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array – Efficient arrays of numeric data.

Efficient arrays of numeric data.

This module implements a subset of the corresponding CPython module, as described below. For more information, refer to the original CPython documentation: array.

Supported format codes: b, B, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q, f, d (the latter 2 depending on the floating-point support).



Create array with elements of given type. Initial contents of the

Module Contents

class array.array(typecode, iterable: Any | None = None)

Bases: List

Create array with elements of given type. Initial contents of the array are given by iterable. If it is not provided, an empty array is created.

__add__(other) Incomplete

Return a new array that is the concatenation of the array with other, called as a + other (where a and other are both arrays).

Note: __add__ cannot be called directly (a.__add__(other) fails) and is not present in __dict__, however a + other does work.

__getitem__(index) List[int]

Indexed read of the array, called as a[index] (where a is an array). Returns a value if index is an int and an array if index is a slice. Negative indices count from the end and IndexError is thrown if the index is out of range.

Note: __getitem__ cannot be called directly (a.__getitem__(index) fails) and is not present in __dict__, however a[index] does work.

__iadd__(other) Incomplete

Concatenates the array with other in-place, called as a += other (where a and other are both arrays). Equivalent to extend(other).

Note: __iadd__ cannot be called directly (a.__iadd__(other) fails) and is not present in __dict__, however a += other does work.

__len__() int

Returns the number of items in the array, called as len(a) (where a is an array).

Note: __len__ cannot be called directly (a.__len__() fails) and the method is not present in __dict__, however len(a) does work.

__repr__() str

Returns the string representation of the array, called as str(a) or repr(a)` (where a is an array). Returns the string "array(<type>, [<elements>])", where <type> is the type code letter for the array and <elements> is a comma separated list of the elements of the array.

Note: __repr__ cannot be called directly (a.__repr__() fails) and is not present in __dict__, however str(a) and repr(a) both work.

__setitem__(index, value) Incomplete

Indexed write into the array, called as a[index] = value (where a is an array). value is a single value if index is an int and an array if index is a slice. Negative indices count from the end and IndexError is thrown if the index is out of range.

Note: __setitem__ cannot be called directly (a.__setitem__(index, value) fails) and is not present in __dict__, however a[index] = value does work.

append(val) Incomplete

Append new element val to the end of array, growing it.

extend(iterable) Incomplete

Append new elements as contained in iterable to the end of array, growing it.