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Create a new USB_VCP object. The id argument specifies which USB VCP port to

Module Contents

class pyb.USB_VCP.USB_VCP(id=0)

Create a new USB_VCP object. The id argument specifies which USB VCP port to use.

any() bool

Return True if any characters waiting, else False.

close() Incomplete

This method does nothing. It exists so the USB_VCP object can act as a file.

init(*, flow=-1) None

Configure the USB VCP port. If the flow argument is not -1 then the value sets the flow control, which can be a bitwise-or of USB_VCP.RTS and USB_VCP.CTS. RTS is used to control read behaviour and CTS, to control write behaviour.

irq(handler=None, trigger=IRQ_RX, hard=False) None

Register handler to be called whenever an event specified by trigger occurs. The handler function must take exactly one argument, which will be the USB VCP object. Pass in None to disable the callback.

Valid values for trigger are:

  • USB_VCP.IRQ_RX: new data is available for reading from the USB VCP object.

isconnected() bool

Return True if USB is connected as a serial device, else False.

read(nbytes: Any | None = None) bytes

Read at most nbytes from the serial device and return them as a bytes object. If nbytes is not specified then the method reads all available bytes from the serial device. USB_VCP stream implicitly works in non-blocking mode, so if no pending data available, this method will return immediately with None value.

readinto(buf, maxlen: Any | None = None) int

Read bytes from the serial device and store them into buf, which should be a buffer-like object. At most len(buf) bytes are read. If maxlen is given and then at most min(maxlen, len(buf)) bytes are read.

Returns the number of bytes read and stored into buf or None if no pending data available.

readline() bytes

Read a whole line from the serial device.

Returns a bytes object containing the data, including the trailing newline character or None if no pending data available.

readlines() List

Read as much data as possible from the serial device, breaking it into lines.

Returns a list of bytes objects, each object being one of the lines. Each line will include the newline character.

recv(data, *, timeout=5000) int

Receive data on the bus:

  • data can be an integer, which is the number of bytes to receive, or a mutable buffer, which will be filled with received bytes.

  • timeout is the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the receive.

Return value: if data is an integer then a new buffer of the bytes received, otherwise the number of bytes read into data is returned.

send(data, *, timeout=5000) int

Send data over the USB VCP:

  • data is the data to send (an integer to send, or a buffer object).

  • timeout is the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the send.

Return value: number of bytes sent.

setinterrupt(chr) None

Set the character which interrupts running Python code. This is set to 3 (CTRL-C) by default, and when a CTRL-C character is received over the USB VCP port, a KeyboardInterrupt exception is raised.

Set to -1 to disable this interrupt feature. This is useful when you want to send raw bytes over the USB VCP port.

write(buf) int

Write the bytes from buf to the serial device.

Returns the number of bytes written.

CTS: Incomplete

to select the flow control type.

IRQ_RX: Incomplete

IRQ trigger values for USB_VCP.irq().

RTS: Incomplete

to select the flow control type.